Friday, September 7, 2012

Building As A Group

Sociological minfulness is understanding that our actions have many consequences whether they are good or bad and these consequences have a big part in affecting the people around us and they may affect us. This week in class we read a piece by Michael Schwalbe. In the article he wrote that sociological mindfulness "is especially important for helpins us see that the consequences of our words and deeds often escape our intentions." I think he means that we need to think wbefore we act because things that can seem funny to one person may affend somebody else. He gives an example of when somebody says a joke. The person telling the jokes thinks it's funny. But as word spreads, somebody might not like the joke because it is offensive and the joke teller would be to blame.
This has happened to me multiple times. I have told my friends jokes before and i think it's hilarious but one of my friends here and the are like whats wrong with you. But on the flipside, I've also been the one who has heard jokes and thought to myself what's wrong with people today.
I am very involve with helping people with dissabilities and am very against bullying but in particular, bullying against kids with special needs. On twitter there is a saying where if a girl retweets you, give her the D. Well one boy thought it would be funny to write "If she's a ret***, give her the D D D." Here is a perfect example of when you need to be sociologcally mindful. The boy was making fun of mentally cahllenged girls. They do not choose to be that way but anyways the boy maybe thought it was funny when he heard it (Which i dont see why its funny) but he did. The boy recieved a lot of critism for this. He was not being sociolgcally mindful. He thought it was funny but he was the only one.
This is why you need to be very careful about what you syay and think before you act.

1 comment:

  1. What did you tweet back to him? How do you stand up for people when it's your friends you will have to stand up to?
